01-Jul |
Corporation tax for year to 30/9/14 |
06-Jul |
Forms P11D and P11D(b) for 2014/15 tax year, and where appropriate form P9D |
06-Jul |
Form 42 – shares issued to employees (see earlier) |
19-Jul |
PAYE & NIC deductions, and CIS return and tax, for month to 5/7/15 (due 22 July if you pay electronically); payment of Class 1A NICs for 2014/15 (22 July if you pay electronically) |
31-Jul |
Second 50% payment on account of self-assessment income tax for 2014/15 |
01-Aug |
Corporation tax for year to 31/10/14 |
19-Aug |
PAYE & NIC deductions, and CIS return and tax, for month to 5/8/15 (due 22 August if you pay electronically). |
01-Sep |
Corporation tax for year to 30/11/2014 |
19-Sep |
PAYE & NIC deductions, and CIS return and tax, for month to 5/9/15 (due 22 September if you pay electronically). |
This entry was posted on
Monday, July 13th, 2015 at
8:39 am by Slaters and is filed
under Accountancy, Accounts - General, Personal Tax, Tax, Tax planning, Tax relief. You
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