Firstly thank you to everyone that took the time to complete our customer satisfaction survey.
We have taken the time to read all of the feedback received and overall were pleased with all of the comments.
We were were especially pleased that when we asked “Overall, how satisfied are you with the services that you receive from Slaters?” 80% of the people that completed the survey said they were Very Satisfied and 20% said they were Satisfied with the services.
Equally when asked “How likely are you to recommend Slaters?” we were again really pleased to see that 78% of the people that completed the survey said they would be Very Likely to recommend Slaters, and 15% said Likely.
Click here to download the Customer Satisfaction Survey 2015 results
We are dedicated to delivering the best service to our clients so any feedback or comments are very important to us.
If there are any further comments or there is anything that we can support you with then do not hesitate to contact us.