Archive for August, 2017

Director minimum salary levels 2017-18

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017

Many director shareholders take a minimum salary and any balance of remuneration as dividends. This tends to reduce National Insurance Contributions, and in some case Income Tax.

The planning strategy is to pay a salary at a level that qualifies the director for State benefits, including the State Pension, but does not involve payment of any NI contributions.

For 2017/18 the NI contribution rate is set at 0% for annual earnings in the range of £5,876 to £8,164 inclusive. Earnings in this band range qualify for NIC credit for State benefit purposes. At £112.99 per week (£5,875 p.a.) no NI credit is obtained for State benefit purposes. At £157.01 plus per week (£8165 p.a.) NI contributions start to be paid at the rate of 12%.

Directors, who are first appointed during a tax year, are only entitled to a pro rata annual earnings band which depends on the actual date appointed. Care needs to be taken in these circumstances not to incur an unexpected liability to pay NIC.

Directors resigning during the year still have the full annual earnings band quoted above, and so care is needed to ensure that earnings for the whole tax year are within the range of £5,876 to £8,164.

Directors considering their planning options for the first time are advised to take professional advice as there are a number of considerations to take into account when setting the most tax/NI efficient salary. We, of course, would be delighted to help.

Rangers tax scheme kicked into touch

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017

There has been a long running tax case rumbling through the lower courts on the use of a device called an Employee Benefit Trust (EBT) by Glasgow Rangers Plc. HMRC have considered the use of the EBT a scheme to avoid PAYE and NIC.

The case has now been considered by the Law Lords in the Supreme Court, who decisively ruled in favour of HMRC.

An EBT collects payments from employers and makes these available to employees as a loan – this process means that funds are made available, in the Rangers’ case to players, without a charge to tax or NIC.

Whilst it was acknowledged that the individual processes in the set up and management of the EBT were carefully drawn to keep within current legislation, the overall strategy was the avoidance of tax and NIC. In their judgement, the Supreme Court judges were satisfied that this “purposive” approach, the purpose for which the EBT had been created, was the avoidance of PAYE and NIC and therefore they dismissed Glasgow Rangers Plc’s appeal.

A growing number of cases, where HMRC had challenged the use of EBTs by other concerns, will now be pursued by HMRC based on this judgement. This decision probably marks the end of the EBT as a legitimate tax planning device.

Possible changes to tax rules for companies

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017

There is a government department, the Office for Tax Simplification (OTS), that has been charged with investigating ways that the UK’s tax rules can be changed to make them easier to understand and easier to use.

The OTS has recently issued a new report on the proposal to simplify the Corporation Tax assessment process for companies, particularly smaller concerns.

Their report sets out some significant steps towards creating what they describe as “a 21st-century Corporation Tax system in the UK”. The aim is to make the calculation of Corporation Tax simpler, with fewer changes and more time to plan. The report also recognises the importance of reducing the burden on small businesses, and “keeping this country an attractive destination for trade and investment in a post Brexit world”.

The report takes an in-depth and innovative look across four broad themes:

  • simpler tax for smaller companies
  • aligning the tax rules more closely with accounting rules where appropriate
  • simplifying tax relief for capital investment
  • a range of further issues affecting the largest companies

It also highlights the links with HMRC’s work on Making Tax Digital, which offers a real impetus to move towards a simpler system by use of technology.

The OTS recommendations are not legislative changes, they are suggestions. These will now have to be taken up by the Treasury and HMRC to consider changes to tax law in future Budgets.

Uniforms, work clothing and tools

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017

It is possible to claim for the cost of repairing or replacing small tools you need to do your job as an employee (for example, scissors or an electric drill), or cleaning, repairing or replacing specialist clothing (for example, a uniform or safety boots).

If you need to buy other equipment to use in your employment, you can claim capital allowances instead. A capital allowance is an agreed percentage of the cost of the equipment, that can be deducted from your taxable income. In most cases, this sort of claim should enable you to write off the full cost of any qualifying expenditure made.

What you can claim.

You can claim for the amount you have spent, or a ‘flat rate deduction’.

If you are claiming for the amount you have spent you will need to keep a receipt.

Flat rate deductions are fixed amounts that HM Revenue and Customs has agreed are typically spent each year by employees in different occupations. They range from £60 to £140 depending on listed occupations.

If your occupation isn’t listed, you may still be able to claim a standard annual amount of £60 in tax relief.

You don’t need to keep records of what you’ve paid for if you claim a flat rate deduction.

Tax credits renewals deadline 31 July 2017

Tuesday, August 1st, 2017

The deadline to renew a claim for tax credits is 31 July 2017. This time last year, HMRC announced that over 400,000 claimants had still not filed their renewals, and as a direct result, had their payments stopped or amended.

One week before this year’s deadline, HMRC says that over 900,000 claimants have failed to renew.

Readers who claim tax credits and wish to continue receiving these benefits should make sure they have attended to the renewals process before the end of July 2017. According to HMRC, the online process is now the preferred option, being easier to use and more accessible. It allows claimants to track the progress of their renewals application, receive an email confirmation when submitted, and removes the need to scan or type in a bar code number from the back of the renewals pack.

Changes in circumstances that need to be disclosed include:

  • Changes in working hours, and
  • Changes in income and childcare costs.

Applicants who have no access to a computer can call the Tax Credits Helpline, 0345 300 3900.

It is worth underlining that failure to renew before 31 July may result in a reduction in benefits, it may also mean that some or all the benefits you have received since the beginning of April 2017, will have to be repaid.

To avoid hardship, we recommend that you complete the online renewal process, or call the Help Line without delay.